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How Technology Can Help Older Adults

Thanks to advances in technology, it can now be easier than ever to stay safe and independent as we age. Technology offers a variety of benefits for older adults, including news, entertainment, safety, and various utilities.

From sensors and voice activation to virtual assistants, technology can provide music, reminders, socialization, and more.

  • Digital pill dispensers can notify you when it's time to take your medication and can lock automatically after you do so. No more trying to remember if you've taken your pills that day, you'll know.

  • Smartwatches and other devices can offer peace of mind for family members and caretakers. These devices can track activity levels, heart rate, and sleep. Some can even detect falls automatically and call for help!

  • Smart speakers (such as Google Home or Amazon Alexa) can provide a variety of benefits. You can make calls without finding your phone by asking your speaker to place a call. If you lose track of time easily, you can tell the speaker to remind you of a task at a specific time. You can also ask it to play music or tell you jokes. If you have additional smart devices (such as a smart TV or lights) you can interact with these devices with just your voice.

  • Tablets and e-readers allow you to maintain a whole library in one device. And, if you have a hard time reading smaller text, most tablets allow you to adjust the font size or zoom level to make it easier to read.

  • Communication can be easier with technology. Video call apps (like Skype, Zoom, Facetime, and Google Hangouts) can allow you to see and talk to friends and family who may not be able to visit in person. Social media (like Facebook and Instagram) can give you a glimpse into the lives of your friends and help you reconnect with those you haven't talked to in a while.

Technology can have a huge impact on your life. Don't worry if you think you won't be able to learn how to use a new device - there's a variety of help available. You can visit a library or community center, or ask friends and family for assistance.

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